Monday, August 19, 2013

Top10 Priceless Secrets on Branding!

Upcoming in next months the New unique Breaking News Posts Top10 Branding Strategy Tips.

The brand is an identifiable entity(product or service, company) that makes specific promises of value.  Today's modern concept of branding grew out of the consumer packaged goods industry and the process of branding has come to include much more than just creating a way to identify a product or company. Branding is used to create emotional attachment to products and companies. Branding efforts create a feeling of involvement, a sense of higher quality, and an aura of intangible qualities that surround the brand name, mark, or symbol.
Successful branding efforts build strategic awareness where people not only recognize your brand, but they also understand the distinctive qualities that make it better than the competition. Branding is more important today than ever due to ever-increasing advertising clutter, media fragmentation, the commoditization of products, and the seemingly limitless choices we are offered in just about every product category. As marketers, we need to work hard to ensure that we are offering our customers strong brands that are clearly differentiated and that offer clear, real value and unique benefits. The need for branding has never been greater.
Here is the List of Top10 Secrets!
1. It is not what you say but how you say and present, promote those specific promises of the unique and better value.  Many awesome unique products could not reach their full sales potential (like the product sells itself by it presence only and without any advertising, promotions; company got monopoly or largest share of the market)just because of the current advertising and marketing done similarly to thousands of other products.
2. The brand should offer the highest value, unique advantages and benefits over the all competitors for it long term success and becoming the "household" name.
The big promiss by your brand name product, company identity should overdeliver in the consumer perception with the higher than expected highest value, unique advantages and benefits.
3. The Best Functionality and overdelivering in the complete consumer satisfaction is the key priority, before the product design, packaging or service operations.
The beautiful design and awesome packaging of the product, service would produce initially some large sales numbers. But this is not enough for the product to become the brand name with the capabilities of becoming the household name.  It needed to demonstrate the best or at least better real life functionality for majority of consumers.
4. The success in the modern branding is impossible without the creating strongest emotional attachment to the brand name products and companies as a whole.
The product should create the strongest consumers' emotional attachment to brand name products because of the exclusivity of the offer(status, class), exceptional likeability, those created positive feelings, joy of ownership, fun and entertainment in use!
5. The success in the modern branding is impossible without the recruiting of many thousands "evangelists" to push and promote the brands in the social media, news and media, other channels.
Now the success in branding is totally depending on your company ability to successfully communicate your brand promiss, brand message, brand story and persuade the thousands social media influencers and many thousands of followers (the evangelists) to quickly position or reposition your brand, spread the word, make largest profits in sales!

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